Ever heard of a "Response Proclamation?"
In Todd Herman's book, "The Alter Ego Effect" on pg. 214 he talks about crafting your Response Proclamation.
Why would you want to write a Response Proclamation?
But before I get into why... I have a few questions for ya.
Ever struggle with: Negative self-talk? Self-Doubt? Or Self-Sabotage?
(You know this as "imposter syndrome." It's a subconscious response to hitting your Upper Limit. On a spiritual level, these are the lies of the Devil. The prince of darkness who is ALWAYS on the prowI for your soul, planting seeds of confusion & doubt of WHO you are.)
When you hit your Upper Limit... you contract and retract into the katabasis of your mind (more on "Katabasis" in Element 3: Strong in Emotion later).
This is a place where many men stay trapped––most never make it out.
They're trapped in their stories.
They don't know HOW to re-tell their NEW story. They lack a process to bucketing out the water of their soul to get to the root cause of their circumstance. So they can create a new experience––a new wound––and take aligned action.
Crafting a Response Proclamation is the framework to re-tell your story.
The moment I read Todd Herman's words... I had to write this lesson for you. It's something I too have been preaching the last 5-6 years––just never had a name for it.
A response proclamation is...
How you respond to your "shadow" when it begins to pull on the thread of imposter syndrome.
(I'll be covering your "Shadow" in Element 3 as well. Just know your "shadow" is the dark side of yourself. The side of you which uses your past to keep you trapped in sin... and trapped in your Toxic Cycle.)
For a long I suffered from imposter syndrome.
(Still do at times)
When you find your shadow asking you this question after doing something great. Or right before you're about to tackle a new project...
"Who do you think your are?!"
This is your shadow -- the enemy... the accuser -- tugging on the thread of imposter syndrome. Trying to pull you into your forms of resistance.
When this happens... here's how you respond.
First, you'll need to set a time to "Bucket," gather your thoughts and discover the true meaning behind these thoughts.
Second, go back to the beginning of your career and pull to the surface any list of accomplishments you have earned.
[1.] Tell me the story of your life through the lens of your wins and accomplishments. Almost like an autobiography.
I know you have them -- we all do.
[2.] The next time you hear this voice in your head saying, "who do you think you are? You can't do this, this isn't going to work, you're a loser, you're a fraud, etc."
Respond in this manner.
Example of my Response Proclamation:
"Who do I think I am?"
I'm the teenage kid who was bullied and sexually abused... and became a BJJ Black Belt.
"I Can't do this?"
In the midst of the 2008 recession... I'm the guy who woke up at midnight and 3 in the morning -- and slept for only 3 hours per day for 6 years. And built a business from nothing to a multi recurring 6 figures.
Which allowed me to put my wife through grad school, debt free.
"This isn't going to work?"
I'm the same guy who built a kettlebell ONLY gym -- debt free -- when I was told I didn't know what I was doing and it wouldn't work.
I'm the guy who built this gym -- which didn't exist -- to multi 6 figures in 6 months, with ZERO paid advertising. And nothing but aligned action.
"You can't start all over gain, the first time was luck."
I'm the guy who built an online men's coaching program and E-commerce business from nothing. (Again something which didn't exist)
To replacing my income from the gym (I seem to have a knack for creating things from nothing).
"You don't know what you're doing."
I'm the guy who was sought out by a multimillion dollar business coach... to consult with her clients and help them market and package their offers for their clients.
If you think you're talking to a guy who can't reinvent himself, you're barking up the wrong tree.
This is how to respond to your shadow.
(The voice in the back of your head pulling on the thread of imposter syndrome -- which only leads to self-sabotage.)
This is one of two key frameworks to telling yourself a new story (framework #1 is in your bucketing work) so you can take aligned action.
I have this printed and carry it in my wallet everywhere I go.

When I hear "the voice" of my shadow...
I allow myself to feel my emotions FULLY for 5 minutes (Bucket #1: The Bucket of Courage).
I dive into my Response Proclamation.
Now it's time to write out YOUR Response Proclamation in response to the questions:
[1.] "Who do I think I am?"
- "I'm the guy who..."
[2.] "I Can't do this?"
- "I'm the guy who..."
[3.] "This isn't going to work?"
- "I'm the guy who..."
[4.] "You can't start all over gain, the first time was luck."
- "I'm the guy who..."
[5.] "You don't know what you're doing."
- "I'm the guy who..."
And remember to tell the story of your life through the lens of your wins and accomplishments. Be sure to print this up and keep it with your everywhere you go.
See you in the next lesson.
Stay strong,
hec g.
The above questions are merely an example. Feel free to come up with your own prompts.
What accusations are being projected on you from YOUR shadow? Use this questions to write your Response Proclamation.
Just be sure to respond from a place of authority. Express the kingship bestowed on your by God.
"I'm the guy who..."