Hector Gutierrez Jr. – The Academy

All Posts by Hector Gutierrez Jr.

What Does it Mean to “Believe?”

“Know thyself” ~ SocratesDo you believe in God?You hear this question all the time.What does this even mean?What does it mean to “BELIEVE?”Is belief based on the words you say, “I believe in [Blank].”In my opinion “belief” or what is means to “believe” is a KNOWING.It’s knowledge of something or someone.Think of it like this.You […]

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The Interior Journey

“Nothing exists in the mind that did not first exist in the senses.” We think through our body’.”~ AristotleThe body is the mind.Literally your posture and physical body are manifestations of your thoughts and emotions. The way you think and talk about yourself… becomes your reality.Interior life = exterior life.(But… exterior can also lead to […]

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Jesus “descended into the lower parts of the earth. He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the heavens.” The apostles’ creed confesses in the same article, Christ’s descent into hell and his resurrection from the dead on the third day, because in his Passover it was precisely out of the depths […]

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Facing the Shadow

“Yo no soy Yo.” (I am not I)I am not IWalking beside me, whom I do not see,Whom at times I manage to visit,And at other times I forget.The one who forgives, sweet, when I hate, The one who remains silent when I walk,The one who takes a walk when I’m indoors,The one who will remain […]

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Setting a Foundation of Trust

(397) Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator, die in his heart, and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God’s command. This is what man’s first sin consisted of. All subsequence sin would be disobedience toward God, and lack of trust in His goodness. (398) In that sin man preferred himself to God, […]

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Building a High Performance Body

“Fat Loss” and “Fat Burning.”What’s the difference? Are they the same?What IS THE BEST “fat burning/fat loss” kettlebell workout?Does such a thing exist? First off…”Fat loss” and “Fat Burning” are NOT the same thing.You hear this all the time.”Here are the best [‘X’ number] of kettlebell “fat loss” workouts. Or better yet…”Here are the best [‘X’ number] of kettlebell […]

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Strength As a Baseline

If you’ve been in the kettlebell space for any length of time… you’re familiar with swings and getups. You may even have had a bad experience with kettlebells swings.  **Maybe they hurt your back?  **Maybe you “tweaked” something?  Or maybe (just maybe!!).  **Your swings lack that “crisp, punch?” If so. Here’s why.You’ve structured your kettlebell training using the WRONG progression.Actually. You’ve done everything, BACKWARDS! (There, […]

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Removing Aches and Pains

“No matter how much I stretch, my flexibility is not improving…”I’ll never forget the day JJ walk through my doors on a Tuesday morning for our “10 Elements” class. The “10 Elements” was a class I ran on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-9:30am.(here’s a peek at one of the 1st ever video case studies I […]

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Your RESPONSE Proclamation

Ever heard of a “Response Proclamation?”In Todd Herman’s book, “The Alter Ego Effect” on pg. 214 he talks about crafting your Response Proclamation. Why would you want to write a Response Proclamation?Simple.But before I get into why… I have a few questions for ya.Ever struggle with: Negative self-talk? Self-Doubt? Or Self-Sabotage?(You know this as “imposter syndrome.” […]

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