"What is TRUTH?"
This is an essential question to understand because... it will be the foundation upon which you establish your NEW WOUND by telling yourself a new story.
... so you can build a new belief about yourself and take aligned actions towards what it is you SAY you want.
If you don't understand truth you'll fail to see your current condition for what it is... making it impossible to re-write your story.
To understand truth... you only need TWO word. Truth (or what is true) is defined as: What. Is. To the degree it conforms to REALITY.
With in "What. Is." You have subjective (i.e., "MY") and objective (i.e., "THE") truth. Fr. Mike does a great job of elaborating on this in one of his first lectures.
The key thing to take from this less is... it's essential to establish THE TRUTH of your current condition.
And why you continue to self sabotage any progress you make.
"in the third act, man's wickedness, plunges humanity into a cataclysmic flood. Yet, in the midst of the flood, God's mercy saves a remnant through which a new beginning is granted to humanity. In the fourth and final act of the Early World period, Rebellion and sin return at the tower of babel. The pattern of sin repeats itself, but now on a larger scale. As this period closes, the question resounds, 'Can the pattern of sin be broken'?" ~ Jeff Cavins, 'Walking with God', pg.8
This pattern of "sin" is what I call, "The Toxic Cycle."
It's a pattern of behavior men -- and all of humanity -- are trapped in as a result the stories we tell ourselves on a DAILY basis.
"Can the pattern of sin (i.e., "The Toxic Cycle") be broken?"
My answer is... YES.
Here's how...
Uncovering Your Toxic Cycle
"When the reality of sin is not acknowledged, we may find ourselves giving a superficial account of its source, and thereby an insufficient account of its resolution. 'Without the knowledge revelation gives… We cannot recognize sin clearly and are tempted to explain it as merely a developmental flaw, a psychological weakness, a mistake, or the necessary consequence of an in adequate social structure'." ~ Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 387
When we fail to acknowledge we LOVE our sin and... we love doing what we are doing. When we live our life this way, we lack a foundation.
"Imagine this: if I say, I want some thing new inside my marriage relationship, but I'm not real about where my marriage currently is, then what I say I want in that relationship is a lie. Why? Because whatever you say you want you were saying from a foundation of fantasy, hence, anything you say you want will only be half a fantasy." ~ Garret J. White, Warrior Book
The same goes for building a stronger, leaner, and more capable body. If you fail to acknowledge the truth of your reality... everything you say you want... is based on a fantasy.
You're living in a fantastic world.
When you live in a fantastic world... you're powerless.
When you acknowledge the fact that, you love your sin. When you have the courage to admit everything is your fault… you take ownership of the situation.
The problem, whether in reality it is your fault or not… it is now within your power to change circumstance.
And the only way to change is to face your toxic cycle by doing the "Bucketing Work" of your soul.
... so you can retell your story and take aligned action towards what it is you say you want.
Bucketing Work: Fighting the Battle Within >>>
Use this tool anytime you face adversity.
Anytime you're triggered. This is an essential daily practice to become a better man because...
... when you change your story, you change your life.
If you have thoughts or comments on this lesson... drop them below in the comments