Strength As a Baseline – The Academy

If you've been in the kettlebell space for any length of time... you're familiar with swings and getups. You may even have had a bad experience with kettlebells swings.

 **Maybe they hurt your back?

 **Maybe you "tweaked" something?

 Or maybe (just maybe!!).

 **Your swings lack that "crisp, punch?"

If so.

Here's why.

You've structured your kettlebell training using the WRONG progression.


You've done everything, BACKWARDS!

(There, I said it.)

And hey...

... it's not even you fault.

How so?


I'm sure, during your first "kettlebell session."

Someone had you swingin' a kettlebell on the first day.

(And likely snatching by the end of the month.)

Am I right?

Now... if you're an athlete, this shouldn't be a problem. But what if you've been working a desk job the last 10+ years? Not good.

It's likely WHY swings have been leaving you with a sore back.

(Or they're not as crisp as they should be. And why you've been stuck on the same kettlebell size for some time.)

Check this out...

(Source: Courtesy of the National Academy of Sports Medicine)

This is the "OPT Model."

(OPT Model: Optimum Performance Training Model)

Swings and other ballistic exercises represent the top of the pyramid.

(Ballistic exercises: Dynamic + explosive movements. I.e., speed and power training.)

As I said, you've been learning how to use kettlebells completely backwards (I know because I've taught it backwards).

Maybe you learned how to pattern the hip hinge for a few reps.

Then quickly progressed to the 2 handed swing.

After that?

Heavier 2 handed swings.

Then double kettlebell swings (power, max strength, and muscle-building).

Eventually, strength endurance training, and anti-rotational training with 1 handed swings.

And I'm willing to bet my next iPhone.

You're snatching by the end of the month!

Backwards, see what I mean?

Not something a desk jockey should be jumping on day 1.

I mean.

You couuuuld but... it's not gonna turn out well in the long run.

(Even if you're an experience kettlebell'er.)

What you need to do is.

Establish a solid foundation of strength-stability, mobility, and strength-endurance before... even thinking about power training.

Which is why I built the Performance Progression Training System for you. To give you the framework on what you need to building a stronger and more capable body.

(... without bumping into aches, pains, and injuries along the way.)

Performance Progression Training

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*Update, 1 January 2023

Since the recording of this lecture... BMB as been through many updates and improvements. The Push-Press and Jerk are no longer part of the curriculum.

The key lesson to take away is the importance of Performance Progression Training.
