"(22) And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem, said "He is possessed by Be-elzelbul, and by the prince of demons he casts out the demons." (23) And He called them to Him, and said to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan? (24) If a kingdom is divided, against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
(25) And if a house is divided, against itself, that house will not be able to stand. (26) And if Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. (27) But no one can enter a strong man's house, and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man; then, indeed, he may plunder his house." ~ Mark 3: 22-27
This piece of sacred scripture got me thinking…
What is in a man’s house?
Pretty much everything he values.
- His wife.
- His children.
- His goods.
My next thought was.
How do you physically—and/or metaphorically— "tie up" or BIND a strongman so you can plunder his house?
You WEAKEN him across the 5 Elements of a Strongman:
[1.] Mentally: You break his ability to THINK. And apply the RIGHT meaning to his thoughts.
[2.] Physically: The ability to be healthy. To experience strength and reach the genetic potential of his physical body.
[3.] Emotionally: His ability to RESPOND. To cultivate the virtue of prudence so he can respond accordingly to the meaning he gives his thoughts.
[4.] Spiritually: A man's ability to remain connected to his religion. Connected to the cause and final end of his being. His ability to RESPOND to God with Faith.
In many ways, throughout history, down to the present day, men have given expression to their quest for God in their religious beliefs and behavior: in their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so forth. These forms of religious expression, despite the ambiguities, they often bring with them, are so universal that one may well call man a religious being: ~ CCC, paragraph 28
From one ancestor, God made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their existence, and the boundaries of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God, and perhaps group for him, and find him — though, indeed, he is not far from each one of us. For "in him, we live and move and have our being." ~ Acts 17:26-28
[5.] Communally: Division amongst his fellow man.
The world is doing this to us NOW through ideological subversion.
~ 2018 I came across and old video on YouTube from the 80’s.
It was an interview with Yury Bezmenov. He’s a former Soviet era deception expert for the KGB. In the video, he laid out a blueprint for communist subversion of any target in the 1980’s.
Today I wanna talk about the 4 stages of subversion Bezmenov shared within the context of how they're subverting the psyche of men to break them across the 5 elements... so they can plunder his house.
... and by consequence.
Causing men to play small and remain trapped in their "Toxic Cycle."
Keeping them from making powerful decisions and… keeping them from showing up as the man, husband, and father they’ve been CALLEDe to be.
4 Stages of "BREAKING/BINDING" a Strongman so you can plunder his house
[1.] Demoralization.
[2.] Destabilization.
[3.] Crisis.
[4.] Normalization.
Once these 4 stages are accomplished… you can:
[+] Create division in a man’s house. And ravage his family.
[+] Destabilize and keep him from living his purpose.
[+] Force him head-first into sedation. So he can escape his painful reality.
[+] Keep him from making legacy-grade decisions so he can better lead his family and community.
Stage 1: Demoralization
It takes about 15-20 years to demoralize a strong man. This is done by de-influencing various areas of his life.
Primarily religion.
Distract a man from his faith… by discouraging religion in his life and replacing it with artificial faiths of another systems:
- Atheism
- Government.
- Social clubs, etc.
Now, before your say, “well Hec… I’m not really a religious kinda guy. I’m just here for the workouts.”
Here me out, ok?
Because I think you’ll find what I’m gonna is pretty interesting. ”Religion“ is often confused with the “rituals” of religion.
Like physically going to Church and participating in the “acts” of religion. While these are important, this’s NOT religion—at least not from a philosophical perspective.
Religion is mans ability to re-connect with his cause of BEING—his PURPOSE, his IDENTITY.
His first cause and final end.
Without religion… you, me, us… AS MEN - WE'RE LOST.
Think about it.
Let’s look at it from a perspective of love.
We can only love what we KNOW, right?
Like your wife (or kids) for example.
You know her—emotionally, and physically.
You have a relationship with her.
Without religion… we don’t KNOW who we are.
We don’t know why we’re here—we have no identity. Through God's love, goodness, and mercy... he WILLED for you and I to be born.
1 in 400 TRILLION.
Those are the odd of you and I being born. Did you know this? Of all the combinations of people throughout human history who had to come together––not to mention the miracle of childbirth itself.
You are here reading this today because God WILLED for YOU to be born. YOU are here for a reason. You and I are working together... for a REASON.
God's creation is more than a single act that occurred long ago. In fact, nothing would continue in existence from moment to moment, unless God willed it so; He is the one "by whom all things exist (Hebrews 2:10)."
the universe does not have power to keep existing on its own.
Drawing upon Saint Thomas Aquinas, Blessed father, Michael Sopocko, writes, "All creatures not only receive existence from Him, but also be continuously sustained in their existence… By Him… Even angels and human souls, although immortal in their nature,… Need to be continuously conserved in being by the First Cause. If God did not pour existence constantly into his creatures, they would cease to exist, and would return into nothingness."
God literally loved us into being – and continues to do so at every moment. No individual human being is an accident or the result of a random natural process.
We live in accordance with the laws of nature God established, to be sure, but those natural factors are "secondary causes." They exist, and do what they do only because God wills to hold nature in being.
Every person is a continual "encore performance" of God's created power." ~ Mercy Moment 161, Divine Mercy Bible, pg.1548
The Lord God took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ to reveal man to himself. To reveal His plan and to reveal to man the TRUTH of his IDENTITY.
Pretty amazing––and mind blowing––when you think about it.
By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of his works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by His own powers: the order of divine revelation.
Through an utterly free decision, God has revealed himself, and given Himself to man. This He does by revealing the mystery, His plan of loving goodness, formed from all eternity in Christ, for the benefit of all men. God has fully revealed His plan by sending us, His beloved son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. ~ CCC, paragraph 50
Why do you think suicide is SO high in the transgender community?
Because they lack IDENTITY.
They don’t know WHO the they are. And if we don’t know WHO we are… how can we love ourselves?
(And if we can't love ourselves... how can we love others??)
This is why religion is SO important.
Demoralize a mans ability to connect with his cause of being and he's done.
Today… too many men (and women) have NO IDENTITY… our identity is tied to the things we do, like our job/career.
(Ask me how I know?)
How many men have killed themselves after losing their job––how many men have KILLED their wives, then themselves? How many wives have left their husbands after he lost his high paying job?
Too many men can’t take it… why?
They have no identity outside of their job and what they do.
You hear this a lot too… men tell their wives…
“I’m nothing without you!”
This is a PROBLEM and clear lack of values—and identity.
Stage 2: Destabilization
Again, religion.
Any coincidence [during the pandemic] we’re being kept from our places of worship yet… you can go to Home Depot, riot, loot and destroy buildings?
But you can’t attend Holy Mass? You can't received the Sacraments with are the means of our salvation? And what about our jobs?
Men are forced to close their business—the means to support their family.
(i.e., the suppression of their ability to live their called vocation)
How about men’s support groups… how many of those do you see? There’s a ton of groups for women.
And if you do express your manhood—which as bestowed on you by God—you’re labeled a misogynist out to impose your "patriarchal power" to suppress women.
This is a feminist LIE.
Next on deck is...
Stage 3: Crisis
By this time, men can no longer function.They’re broken:
- Mentally.
- Physically.
- Emotionally.
- Spiritually.
(and on the verge of throwing in the towel)
To cope, men jump head first into a pit of sedation—in fact, most men today are opting out of women completely:
- Jerking off to porn. Wasting his divine seed and energy after his wife has gone to sleep—so he can escape his painful reality.
- How about countless hours playing video games?
- Vegging out all day Sunday watching football instead of living is purpose?
- Booze and drugs become another means to ease his pain.
He's trapped in his "Toxic Cycle."
Addicted to his sin.
Eventually, a savior is needed.
Aaaand the cherry on top?
Stage 4: Normalization
This is where men find their “new normal.”
He’s led to believe this is his life now.
What’s crazy is he can’t determine when the demoralization, destabilization, or crisis began.
He's slowly de-conditioned over time… waking up one day as if he got to where he Is - OVERNIGHT.
[+] Wife doesn't respect or trust him (or worse, she leaves him).
[+] Kids don’t know who he is—as he's drowned himself in his work to secure a future for them.
[+] Body is broken, he's overweight, and can’t stand the reflexion he see in the mirror.
This's his "boiled the frog” moment.
The temperature in the water has been slowly turned up over 20+ years… it’s subverted him one degree at a time.
And before he can realize the water of his pond is too hot and jump out… he's boiled. He allows his circumstances to dictate who he becomes vs. deciding who he’ll become.
(Indecision is slow poison!)
We’re not making powerful, legacy-grade decisions because: 1.) We lack a value system, vision, and purpose––keeling us from living our best life. 2.) We're unaware of (or refuse to do) the bucketing work of our soul to clear our conscience.
This is essential to understand because... what remains at the bottom of the water... what remains at the bottom of our soul, DIES.
In the flood, all that remained under the water DIED, just as our going under the water in baptism symbolizes our dying to the life of sin and our burial into Christ's death. ~ Walking with God, pg. 28
When we refuse to do the "Bucketing Work" of our soul... whatever we leave beneath the surface, DIES:
[+] Your marriage, DIES.
[+] Your relationship with your children, DIES.
[+] Your physical body, DIES.
[+] You remain trapped in your Toxic Cycle, addicted to your sin (Bucket #3: The Bucket of Conviction.)
If you have any thoughts around this topic, drop them in the LIVE CHAT support group.
Have a great week.
hec g.