"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store of treasures in heaven, where neither moth, nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, they're also, will be your heart." Matthew 6:19–21.
One of the first exercises you did in the Academy was, the "wheel of life." And what you scored the highest on represented the "center of your wheel."
What's at the center of your wheel is how you will look not only at the other elements of the wheel… But also how you will look at the rest of the world.
Living on the outside of the wheel leads to worry, stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. These are the finite things of the world which are subject to moth and decay.
For years I lived on the outside of the wheel were life was always all UP and DOWN. For years, a place to work and making money at the center. It's "where my treasure was stored up."
Only to end up living a...
"Soul-Chasing Life."

A Weak Man's Wheel
Where we "chase" your soul.
It's where you're seeking meaning and chasing happiness through the finite things in the world. These will never lead to happiness, fulfillment, etc.
When work looked at family my story was "I need to work so I can pay the bills!!" Or "I don't have time to do 'X' because 'Y' needs to be done at the gym first."
The same went with getting my workout in and/or training Jiu-Jitsu.
It left me trapped in my "Toxic Cycle" (more on this in a later lesson).
The goal is to shift to a...
"Soul-Powered Life."

The Soul-Powered Life
This is where you discover the truth of your identity. And align your identity to the eternal. So when life hits. When moth and decay set in -- and they will -- you don't lose hope.
You don't "lose yourself."
When your soul, faith, and religion power the elements of your wheel... you shift how you look at: work, health, relationships, etc. You look at them from a place of love.
(I expand on this topic here in this video lesson)
Once you uncover what's at the center of your wheel and whether you've been living the "soul chasing" or "soul-powered" life.
Only then can you take the next step. And that's what we'll cover in next week's lesson. For now... drop me a comment below and let me know how this is sitting with you.
- Let me know what's at the center of your wheel?
- What can you see happening if you continue to CHASE your soul through the finite?
- What you can see see happening when you align your identity to the eternal and lead a "soul-powered" life?