Peaking Performance Through Muscle-Building – The Academy

"Don't pray for an easy life... pray for the strength to endure a tough one." ~ Bruce Lee

Why should you care about building muscle?

Well it's virtual "protective gear…" to forge an anti-fragile body to be able to combat life’s relentless body blows.

If you wanna thrive in this lifetime… so you can be the best version of yourself and create legacy-grade memories your kids will never forget… peaking performance through muscle-building is a non-negotiable.

How about more testosterone for a better sex drive? Build muscle.

Want a better metabolism to enjoy your favorite foods? Build muscle.

Maybe reverse the aging process & have less aches and pains? Build muscle.

Wanna boost your confidence to create more success in your life? Build muscle.

You get the idea.

Muscle-Building is the bridge between the strength and power endurance phases of the Performance Progression Pyramid.

I unpack this more here... 👇🏾

Peaking Performance through Muscle-Building

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