What gets scheduled, gets DONE.
Here's what I know to be true... when a schedule is in place... two things happen:
- You can check everything off and compartmentalize your day and sleep like a baby. Plus... you deposit a credit into your account of self-esteem by doing what it is you said you would do.
... and as a consequence, build integrity with yourself. - Multiple alarms (5, 5:15, 5:30, 6:00) and hitting the snooze button is a subconscious response to avoiding the things you didn't get done the day before.
(Most people dread the day because they're avoiding the legacy-building tasks they KNOW they should be doing to move the needle forward.)
3 actions to de-stress your life:
- "Eat the Frog:"
This is doing the most "uncomfortable" things first. The "hardest" things FIRST. If this is your workout... get it done first thing in the morning. Especially if you KNOW your afternoons are stressful and filled with family, after school activities, etc.
EAT THAT FROG! - Create and follow a schedule:
Another truism about scheduling is... you make time for what is important to you. What was your number 1 core value from the 3 BIG Rocks exercise? This should have number 1 priority in your schedule.
From there... everything else in your life will adjust itself to adapt to your schedule. Schedule it and don't let anything interfere with it (barring a family or medical emergency). - Assess the day:
Did you complete everything you set out to do? If not, what can you do to complete everything the next day. And write down 3-5 things your most grateful for from the day.
In the materials section, I've put together pre-work checklist for you to follow to get started right in week 1.
Let the game begin...
Click 'Materials' to download the Pre-Work Checklist.