Tools and Recourses
Recovery Accelerating Mechanisms
The Training System

Week 18 Training Plans

As you head into week 18, I highly recommend revisiting your GFE Scoring sheet. It's not uncommon to see results and eliminate movement viruses (clearing up movement patterns) in one week.

Then based on what you find in the GFE:

  1. Identify your red, yellow, and green lights.
  2. Select one of the custom templates below to plan your training.

SAH Press Continuum

This week we make our first progression in the press continuum. This was an eye-opener for me when I first got into strength training with kettlebells. Too many times I rammed my head against the wall and couldn't figure out WHY my press was "stuck."

How many times we think, "well... to press more, I should keep pressing more, right?"

I mean, this is what all the "guru's" say.

"... To press a lot, you need to press a lot."

While this isn't necessarily wrong and many people have seen success with this tactic. But if you're new to kettlebells? It's not the best approach. And if you're a seasoned kettlebell'er??? More of your focus should be on the different angles of pressing.

Pretty much.

... you need to get better at pressing.

And this is the purpose of the SAH Press Continuum. To get better at pressing -- from the ground up. Before diving into this week I wanna address your "warmup."

... warmups are broken up into 2 categories:

  1. General warmup
  2. Specific warmup

The majority of your warms in this course will be general (I.e, they're not specific to the training scheduled for the day). But you can definitely get more specific with them.

General warmups:

  • Daily Recharge
  • (GFE) Ground Force Exploration
  • Carry Collection (one or all four parts)
  • Armbar
  • Crooked Armbar

***Sample Session

Perform each session in a "circuit."

E.g., Day 1, sets of 3.



Armbar x L/R

Carry Collection x 5 min

Session: 20 minutes

Half Kneeling Press x 3

Crush Goblet Squat x 3

Farmer carry x 30 paces

*Repeat circuit for 20 minutes.



Crooked Armbar (If appropriate)

Reverse GFE

Template #1: Red light on Bent Leg/Straight Leg and Side Walk to push-up Series


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Volume Dynamics

Sets of 3

Sets of 4

Sets of 5

Session Duration

20 minutes

25 minutes

30 minutes

Week 18


Half Kneeling Press

Crush Goblet Squat

F. Carry x 30



Tall Kneel Press

Single Leg Deadlift

R. Carry x 30



Classic Military Press

R. Lunge Part 1

OH Carry x 30


Template #2: Red light on S-Movement


Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Volume Dynamics

Sets of 3

Sets of 4

Sets of 5

Session Duration

20 minutes

25 minutes

30 minutes

Week 18


Loaded F4 Lunge

R. Lunge Part 1

F. Carry x 30



*R. Lunge Part 2

**Front Squat

R. Carry x 30



**Front Squat

Single Leg Deadlift

***OH Carry x 30


*On day 3,  the reverse lunge part 2 is "yellow-lighted." Proceed with caution. Listen to your body. If you can't maintain alignment, regress to the racked reverse lunge from day 1.

**When performing the front squat on days 3 and 5, alternate sides per circuit. E.g., first time through the circuit, front squat x 4 right. The next time through the circuit. Front squat x 4 left.

***On day 5, the overhead carry is "yellow-lighted." Proceed with caution... listen to your body. If you can't maintain alignment, regress to the racked reverse lunge from day 1.

Template #3: Red light on Crawl Series


Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Volume Dynamics

Sets of 3

Sets of 4

Sets of 5

Session Duration

20 minutes

25 minutes

30 minutes

Week 18


Half Kneel Press

R. Lunge Part 1

*F. Carry x 30



R. Lunge Part 2

Crush Goblet Squat

*R. Carry x 30



R. Lunge Part 3

Single Leg Deadlift

*OH Carry x 30


*Carries on this template are yellow-lighted. If you decide to add carries to your practice using this template, listen to your body and use them with caution.

Template #4: Red light on Frog, Crab, Push-up Series


Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Volume Dynamics

Sets of 3

Sets of 4

Sets of 5

Session Duration

20 minutes

25 minutes

30 minutes

Week 18



Loaded F4 Lunge

F. Carry x 30



Half Kneel Press

R. Lunge Part 1

R. Carry x 30



Tall Kneel Press

Single Leg Deadlift

*OH Carry x 30


*Carries on this template are "yellow-lighted." Listen to your body and use them with caution.


If during the GFE leading into week 18, you're still red-lighting for multiple patterns. Continue following the training laid out below.

Day 1:



Armbar x 3 (L/R)

Rocking w/ head nods x 10

Upper and lower body rolls x 5/5

X-Lift x 3/3

6pt crawl x 5/5

Carry Collection x 10 minutes


Reverse GFE

Day 3:



Armbar x 3 (L/R)

Rocking w/ head nods x 10

Upper and lower body rolls x 5/5

X-Lift x 3/3

6pt crawl x 5/5

Carry Collection x 15 minutes


Reverse GFE

Day 5:



Armbar x 3 (L/R)

Rocking w/ head nods x 10

Upper and lower body rolls x 5/5

X-Lift x 3/3

6pt crawl x 5/5

Carry Collection x 20 minutes


Reverse GFE
