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Week 14 Training Plans

Pre-Built + Done-For-You

Day 1: Press Only

*Day 2: Complex

Day 3: Hybrid

PR ∑ 27NL

Plan these out how you see fit PTM Cycle #1: Set Pacing

*PR ∑ 36

*CL ∑ 36

Plan these out how you see fit. Reference: Planning Your Volume.

DCL+PR ∑ 47

Plan these out how you see fit. Reference: Planning Your Volume.

Performance Progression is as follows:

  • Day 1: Single Kettlebell Press only (with set pacing).
  • Day 2: Single Kettlebell Complex - presses followed by cleans.
  • Day 3: Hybrid - Double Kettlebell Clean + Press


If you're following PTM and customizing your session, and training daily. Repeat the day 1-3 cycle.


  • Day 1: Press only.
  • Day 2: Complex.
  • Day 3: Hybrid.
  • Day 4: Press only.
  • Day 5: Complex.
  • Day 6: Hybrid.

  1. Intensity Variant: If appropriate (based on your strength and skill level) and you have the bells available. Move up +4kg on day 2.)

  2. Rest periods: When you can maintain a conversation with someone or there is little muscle burn... you're ready for the next set.

  3. Complexes: How ever you plan your session, complete all presses first. Follow by your cleans. This day is focus on muscle-building. Do not put the bell down... keep your body under tension... "Swing switch" and complete the other side.

PTM Cycle #4: Power-Endurance Cycle

PTM Cycle #3: Maximal Strength Cycle

Week 14: 110NL (82 remaining after day 1)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Press: 28NL

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Have ALL volume complete.


When planning day 2… base your assessment of how hard day one's session was. Easy and not a stressful session? +20%. If you're under stress and life is crazy? -20%. Do not perform the same number of reps back to back days. Volume must vary +/- 20%

With the exception of the ‘Rule of 10.’ Do not go below 10 reps in any session. At least 10 presses per session. In this context... day 2 for the press will be 22 or ≥ 33NL.

The NL per Class of Exercises per Day

There is another rule of programming you need to be aware of as volume peaks in the last three weeks. "The NL per Class of Exercises per Day" :

  • 10-20: minimal
  • 21-30: optimal
  • 31-50: maximal

(This principle applies to the "Pre-Built + Done-For-You" and "PTM" training models.)

You can see option #1 is aligned to the 'Rule of 10' you've been following. Performing no less than 10 reps in a session. There is also a 'optimal' and 'maximum' NL.

We don't recommend exceeding, 31-50 NL in a single session.

Volume over 30NL we recommend splitting into, two (or three) micro-sessions. With ~30 minutes rest between sessions. And don't plan two days with twice-a-day training back to back.

Rest a full day after a twice-a-day training. And start the next session -20% volume from the previous day.

As you can see this week, if you decide to add ≥ 20% volume for day two, you'll go above the optimal recommendation.

In this case... you have two options:

  1. Minus 20% volume for day two.
  2. Split your practice into, two (or three) micro-sessions. Think of them as kettlebell workout snacks throughout the day.

E.g., 33NL: 40/60 split for day one:

  • Session A: 12NL (Minimal range)
  • Session B: 21NL (Optimal range)

The reason for the 40/60 split is... it ensures a minimum 20% change in volume session to session. To maximize performance and recovery.

Be sure to keep your session aligned to the "Performance Progression" prescribed above. Day 1: single kettlebell set pacing, etc.

Sample day 1 session:

(NOTEIf you need help planning your sessions, you can review week 2 here.)

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

Set 5

Set 6

Set 7

1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left.

1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left.

1 Clean, 5 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 5 presses, left.

1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left.

1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left.

1 Clean, 5 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 5 presses, left.

1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left.

Action items:

  1. Update your metrics in your Evernote notebook: weight and body fat percentage.

  2. If you're behind, review "Building Your Plate: Weeks 9-12" to build your plate for weeks 13-16 with your new targets.

  3. Review Strong in Spirit, lesson 13, "What Does it Mean to 'Believe'." (link below).

If you have Q's... bring them to our LIVE CHAT support group. And if you'd like me to review your technique. Upload your video(s) here in Google Drive. Just look for your folder.

Have a great week.

hec g.

5 Elements of a Strongman, Lesson 13

What does it mean to "BELIEVE?"

What does it mean to believe in God?

What does it mean to believe in yourself?

What does it mean for your family to believe in YOU?

First I wanna unpack how we can come to the knowledge of God's existence.

I unpack it all here in lesson 13: "What Does it Mean to "Believe?"
