Welcome to Phase 4: Power
Phase 4 is where everything comes together.
Let’s do a quick recap of the last 12 weeks…
Phase 1 - Ignite:
From the perspective of your diet… P1 focused on resetting insulin levels and re-programming your body to better utilize carbs. From a training perspective the goal was getting your strength back and setting a solid foundation for…
Phase 2 - Transform:
Once your body re-adapted to using carbs by resetting insulin receptors and boosting insulin sensitivity… next on the agenda was boosting testosterone (Test).
As a guy, Test is pretty damn important and plays a roll in everything from your ability to get lean, build muscle, and numero uno… enhancement of your sex life.
From an eating perspective: we addressed your metabolism: leptin, T3, and T4 by incorporating your 1st cheat days followed by a 24-36 hour fast. The surge in calories on your cheat day forces your body to increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and burn more calories.
The result?
You get a cheat day and boost your metabolic rate—Win, Win!
Phase 3 - Growth:
Was a humdinger (real word) and focused on muscle-building—while staying lean—by leveraging the super-compensation effect. And it was your first experience with a high protein diet.
The bump in calories should’ve also given you a boost in leptin and in turn elevated your metabolism by releasing more T3 and T4. And as a result of boosting GH… we decreased cortisol levels because as… GH & cortisol have an inverse relationship.
This killer combo helps you sleep better—because you’re not stressed—making it harder for you to store fat.
Phase 4 - Synergy:
Is where we tie everything together.
Most programs leave you hanging after 1, 2, or even 3 months. But not in the Academy.
Phase 4 is about power-endurance but... we'll also solidifying all the hard work you put into Phases 1, 2, & 3… by bolting all your skill sets together:
- Phase 1: Strength-Endurance/set-pace Training.
- Phase 2: Muscle-building Training.
- Phase 3: Maximal Strength Training.
- Phase 4: Power-Endurance Training
From a training perspective: Synergy has you scheduled for a day of strength-endurance focused training (set pacing), one day of muscle-building, and one day of maximum strength + power training.
From an eating perspective: Synergy is designed to maintain the strength you built in phase 1, trim any excess fat left over from phase 2, and maintain the muscle you built in phase 3—even though you’ll be in a caloric deficit.
Remember, I mentioned in the phase I eating strategy… there’s two ways to decrease body fat:
- Option 1: maintain body fat, build muscle.
- Option 2: maintain muscle, drop body fat.
Synergy will focus on the ladder. By the end of phase 4, insulin sensitivity should be as high as it was in Ignite, you’re as lean (or leaner) as you were in Transform, and your body is as strong and resilient as it was in Growth.
The top of the performance pyramid. During the power-endurance cycle you will be training the ‘long cycle clean + press’ (LCCP). Where you’ll clean the kettlebell between each press. Be sure to review the clean and press curriculum.
If the bell is banging into your wrists… stay with the cheat clean and dead clean until you clean—pun intended—up your technique.
Performance Progression is as follows:
- Day 1: Single Kettlebell Press only (with set pacing).
- Day 2: Single Kettlebell Complex - cleans followed by presses.
- Day 3: Hybrid - Double Kettlebell Clean + Press
If you're following PTM and customizing your session, and training daily. Repeat the day 1-3 cycle.
E.g., 6 Day Training Week:
- Day 1: Press only.
- Day 2: Complex.
- Day 3: Hybrid.
- Day 4: Press only.
- Day 5: Complex.
- Day 6: Hybrid.
- Day 7: Rest/Recovery Flows.
Other training options...
3 Day Training week
(see "Done-For-You" below.)
4 Day Training Week:
- Day 1: Press only.
- Day 2: Complex
- Day 3: Recovery Flows.
- Day 4: Press only.
- Day 5: Hybrid.
- Day 6: Recovery Flows.
- Day 7: Recovery Flows.
5 Day Training Week:
- Day 1: Press only.
- Day 2: Complex.
- Day 3: Hybrid.
- Day 4: Recovery Flows.
- Day 5: Press only.
- Day 6: Hybrid.
- Day 7: Recovery Flows.
Pre-Built + Done-For-You
Day 1: Press Only | *Day 2: Complex | Day 3: Hybrid |
- Intensity Variant: If appropriate (based on your strength and skill level) and you have the bells available. Move up +4kg on day 2.)
- Rest periods: When you can maintain a conversation (i.e., short sentences) with someone or muscle fatigue is 5 out of 10... you're ready for the next set.
- Complexes: How ever you plan your session, complete all cleans first. Followed by your presses. This day is focused on muscle-building. Do not put the bell down... keep your body under tension... "Swing switch" and complete the other side.
PTM Cycle #4: Power
PTM Cycle #3: Maximal Strength Cycle
Week 13: 75NL (57 remaining after day 1)
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |
Press: 18NL | Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises. | Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises. | Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises. | Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises. | Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises. | Have ALL volume complete. |
When planning day 2… base your assessment of how hard day one's session was. Easy and not a stressful session? +20%. If you're under stress and life is crazy? -20%. Do not perform the same number of reps back to back days. Volume must vary +/- 20%
With the exception of the ‘Rule of 10.’ Do not go below 10 reps in any session. At least 10 presses per session. In this context... day 2 for the press will be 14 or ≥ 22NL.
Be sure to keep your session aligned to the "Performance Progression" prescribed above. Day 1: single kettlebell set pacing, etc.
Sample day 1 session:
(NOTE: If you need help planning your sessions, you can review week 2 here.)
Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | Set 4 | Set 5 |
1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left. | 1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left. | 1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left. | 1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left. | 1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left. |
Action items this week:
- Update your metrics in your Evernote notebook: weight and body fat percentage.
- Update your targets in "Lose It!" and follow the same logic from "Building Your Plate: Weeks 9-12" to build your plate for weeks 13-16.
- Review lesson 12, Strong in Spirit: "The Interior Journey." (link below)
If you have Q's... bring them to our LIVE CHAT support group. And if you'd like me to review your technique. Upload your video(s) here in Google Drive. Just look for your folder.
Have a great week.
hec g.
5 Elements of a Strongman, Lesson 12
The body is the mind.
Literally... your posture and physical body are manifestations of your thoughts and emotions. The way you think and talk about yourself... becomes your reality.
Interior life = exterior life.
I was unhappy.
Because in the midst of the toxic cycle, and created for myself… I was completely detached from God. I was addicted to porn. And as a result… (Continue reading here...)
Strong in Emotion [Recap]
You can recap the full Strong in Emotion series, here.