Happy Baby Series

The Ultimate Squat Builder...

If you're just getting back into strength training be sure to take your time with this lesson.

This will be the ultimate squat builder.  And what I mean by that is....

... the happy baby series will rebuild your squat they way you were intended to squat. It's a great pre-requisite to let if you know if your should be squatting.


It's essentially the squat pattern but you're unloaded. But before I get into the details of the happy baby series...

... I'm Sure You've Noticed Either Your Son, Daughter, Or Little Niece/Nephew Start Putting Their Hands And Feet In Their Mouths?

This is how they gather information.

Inside the Mobility Secrets manual I reference the Homunculous. This little man inside your head is how your brain perceives the rest of your body.

The mouth, tongue, and hands appear to be the largest features. 

This is how babies/we take in information from the world around us. Our hands and feet have thousands of little sensors called: mechanoreceptors.

These little sensors gather information and feed our somatosensory system (SSS); which is responsible for translating information concerning touch, pressure, pain, temperature, position, movement, and vibration.

This information then gets fed to the musculoskeletal system to create the appropriate movement.

This is why it's essential to train barefooted (if possible) and not use gloves when weightlifting.


Wearing gloves and shoes while training desensitizes these receptors; and they can no longer provide accurate information to the brain and illicit the appropriate movement response.

Make sense?

your practice...

After finishing your head-led rolls and segmented rolls, you'll flow right into the happy baby series. 

Start by grabbing your big toes with your index and middle fingers.

1. Perform 10 rolls per side only holding your toes.

2. Next progression is small leg extensions. Alternate sides until you perform 5 leg extensions per leg.

3. Lastly, return back to your rolling; only this time you will incorporate your leg extensions in each roll.

Perform 5-10 rolls with leg extensions per side.

If you have any questions or really enjoyed this lesson--be sure to leave me a comment below.

See you on the next lesson!
