"Fat Loss" and "Fat Burning."
What's the difference? Are they the same?
What IS THE BEST "fat burning/fat loss" kettlebell workout?
Does such a thing exist?
First off...
"Fat loss" and "Fat Burning" are NOT the same thing.
You hear this all the time.
"Here are the best ['X' number] of kettlebell "fat loss" workouts.
Or better yet...
"Here are the best ['X' number] of kettlebell workouts to "burn fat."
When in reality.
There is NO SUCH THING as a "fat loss kettlebell workout." Or workouts that "burn fat."
(... within the context of losing weight/body fat.)
If you've ever bought a program with these claims... my friend... you've just been hoodwinked by marketing.
Here's what I mean.
When you hear "fat burning" you're perception is... "this workout/exercise is gonna help me lose weight/body fat."
After all... who doesn't want to drop some body fat so they can LOOK like they workout? I mean... it's THE REASON people start paying attention to their diet.
Sure they'll say, "I want to be healthy and have more energy." And that's good. But come on... let's not kids ourselves.
At the end of the day...
... people REALLY want to LOOK BETTER.
They want to "look good naked."
And you know what?
That's ok.
When you look better, you FEEL better.
You have a better outlook on life. Higher self-esteem, etc.
But when it comes weight loss/fat loss/"leaning out" -- however you want to put it. These effects are a direct result of a caloric deficit. PERIOD.
They're the result of the quality and quantify of food you're putting in your pie hole. This is why I say, "there is no such thing as a "fat loss kettlebell workout" (or a "fat loss workout" as a whole).
There is not an exercise in the world -- not a kettlebell workout in the world for that matter -- which will help you lose weight/body fat.
That is pure marketing.
Sure… In the beginning -- if you have a lot of weight to lose -- you will see some initial weight loss/fat loss. But... as you begin to lose the body fat.
Your leptin levels decrease. Which intern lowers your T3 and T4 levels (which bring down your metabolism. I cover leptin and grehlin in detail on pages 11-16 of Phase 1 Eating Strategy).
Basically, you will no longer continue to lose body fat at the same rate.
What "Fat Burning" IS.
The majority of the energy you're using from the calories you have consumed... is coming from "fat sources." It does not mean you're "burning body fat."

(Image courtesy of the National Academy of Medicine.)
R.E.R Performance Equation
Here's how it works in a nutshell. Exercises at low-medium intensity "burns fat." As you can see from the chart above ~.71 on Respiratory Exchange Ratio (R.E.R) draws 100% energy from the fat sources you have consumed.
But this is only possible at 100% REST (I.e., while you're sleeping). Low-moderate training places you ~.80 RER.
Example exercises/training protocols for ~ .80 RER:
- Deadlifting.
- Timeless Sinister.
- Phase 1: Ignite Training.
- Brisk walking/jogging.
- Pretty much any protocol where your HR is ~65-75% of your maximum heart rate (i.e., ~.80 - .90 RER) .
If you want to perform at a high level using one of these protocols... it's best to have a high fat diet because... the majority of the energy from calories burned will come from fat.
Make sense?
This is what makes them "fat burning" workouts.
(Doesn't mean you're "burning body fat/losing weight.")
Regardless of the training protocol and eating strategy. If the goals is weight loss. It's essential you're in a caloric deficit.
High Carbs Diets and Training...
At the bottom of the chart you'll notice the RER shifts.
This represent high intensity training. As a result... the majority of the energy being used shifts to carbs/glucose. So if you're following one of these protocols...
- Bodybuilding
- Jiu-Jitsu/Wrestling
- Kettlebell Chains, Complexes, and Hybrids.
The very nature of these disciplines are glycolytic. Meaning... carbs/glucose is the primary fuel source. Which means... carbs MUST be present -- if you want to perform well.
If you follow a keto lifestyle... training glycolytically is not a smart strategy. And it won't be a matter of "IF" you'll crash. It's a matter of "WHEN?"
The key is to align your training and eating to build a high performance body.
I break it down further here...
I've designed the protocols and eating strategies in BMB to perfectly align the Performance Progression Pyramid with the RER Performance Equation.
Phase 1: Ignite - Insulin Reset (i.e., high diet) paired with press only. RER ~ .80
Phase 2: Muscle-Building - Re-introduction of carbs, addition of the squat, more time under tension and your first intensity variant. RER is ~ .85
Phase 3: Maximal Strength - Double Kettlebell work. Introduction of the reverse long--3 exercises in total. More time under tension.
RER is ~ .90.
Phase 4: Power Endurance - Double Kettlebell, Long Cycle Clean and Press. We drop squat and lunge and increase the volume and RER ~.95-1.0