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Recovery Accelerating Mechanisms
The Training System

RL-YL-GL Method

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The GFE is your test/retest to set the baseline for how you're moving for the day. And based on your assessment, adhere to the RL-YL-GL Method.

Here's the thing though.

Since I'm not there to coach you in person to give you objective feedback based on how you're moving.

Don't cheat yourself!

You'll have to make your own subjective assessment of how you're moving. Be 100% honest with yourself.

If your hips are tight (and you can't correct it through the Daily Recharge or GFE)... no loaded hip hinges for the day. Can't own the "S-Movement?"

No snatches, presses, or pull ups for the day. You're only cheating yourself if you continue to press, snatch, etc. Regardless of the feedback you get from the GFE.

Ground Force Exploration Breakdown

  1. Ankle circle x 5 (L/R)
  2. Figure 4 switch x 3 (L/R)
  3. Figure 4 lunge x 3 (L/R)
  4. Half heel sit x 3 (L/R)
  5. Bent leg/Straight leg x 3 (L/R)
  6. Leg scissor x 3 (L/R)
  7. Seated S-Movement x 3 (L/R)
  8. Prone S-Movement x 3 (L/R)
  9. Cobra x 3
  10. 6pt X-Lift x 3 (L/R)
  11. 6pt crawl x 5 forward/backward
  12. 4pt X-Lift x 3 (L/R)
  13. 4pt crawl x 5 forward/backward
  14. Push-up side walk x 3 (L/R)
  15. Push-up side walk to pushup x 3 (L/R)
  16. Frog, crab, push-up x 1 (L/R) 
R.A.M: Reverse GFE
  1. Frog, crab, push-up x 1 (L/R)
  2. Push-up side walk to pushup x 3 (L/R)
  3. Push-up side walk x 3 (L/R)
  4. 6pt crawl x 5 forward/backward
  5. 4pt X-Lift x 3 (L/R)
  6. 6pt crawl x 5 forward/backward
  7. 6pt X-Lift x 3 (L/R)
  8. Cobra x 3
  9. Prone S-Movement x 3 (L/R)
  10. Seated S-Movement x 3 (L/R)
  11. Leg scissor x 3 (L/R)
  12. Bent leg/Straight leg x 3 (L/R)
  13. Half heel sit x 3 (L/R)
  14. Figure 4 lunge x 3 (L/R)
  15. Figure 4 switch x 3 (L/R)
  16. Ankle circle x 5 (L/R)

GFE Scoring

Here are the 5 movement patterns we'll be using to establish your training program. Based on the GFE, you'll receive a score of 0-3 for each pattern. Minimum score we're looking for to be healthy and move stronger is "10" with NO pain or asymmetries (Basically a score of "2" on all patterns).

*0 = There was pain during the movement.

1 = Could not complete or maintain control throughout the movement.

2 = Satisfactory, completes the pattern with a slight compensation.

3 = Completes the pattern with control and no compensations.

*If there is any pain whatsoever in one of the following 5 patterns, you receive and automatic "0" regardless if you complete the pattern with no compensation. And by consequence red-lighted for the pattern. 

#1 - Bent Leg/Straight Leg & Leg scissor: Be sure to assess L/R

  1. Can't complete bent leg/straight leg = 1
  2. Completes bent leg/straight leg with no compensations = 2
  3. Completes leg scissor with no compensation = 3

#2 - Seated and Prone S-Movement: Be sure to assess L/R.

  1. Can't maintain upright posture and head up during S-Movement = 1
  2. Completes Seated S-Movement: maintains posture, head is up, and can place one hand behind your head & the other hand at the lower back = 2
  3. Completes Prone S-Movement: maintains posture, chest & head is up, and can place one hand behind your head & the other hand at the lower back = 3

#3 - 6pt X-Lift, 6pt crawl, 4pt X-Lift, 4pt crawl: Assess stability L/R

  1. Can't maintain static 6pt X-Lift = 1
  2. Completes 6pt X-Lift (3/3) and 6 pt crawl (5/5) = 2
  3. Completes 4pt X-Lift (3/3) and 4pt crawl (5/5) = 3

#4 - PU Side walk & PU Side walk to pushup

  1. Can't maintain plank during PU side walk for all 3 reps = 1
  2. Side walk to push-up x 1 = 2
  3. Side walk w/ pushup x 3 = 3

#5 - Frog, crab, pushup: Be sure to assess L/R transitions from frog to crab.

  1. Falls during the squat transition to crab = 1
  2. Maintains balance but compensates during the transition to crab = 2
  3. Perfect transition, zero compensation to crab = 3

Ground Force Exploration Breakdown

Based on the GFE, the list of exercises below represent movements counterproductive (Red) to efficient (Yellow) to effective (Green).

Red-lighted exercises should be removed temporarily since they offer no value to you until the pattern(s) are restored through the Daily Recharge and GFE.

Red-Lighted exercises based on GFE: A score of 1 or ANY asymmetry, do not perform these exercises until the pattern is cleared.

Yellow-Lighted exercises based on GFE: These are exercises to be used with caution while cleaning up the current pattern.

Green-Lighted exercises based on GFE: A score of 2 or 2/2 is necessary to move into the green light exercises.


Bent Leg Series


Crawl Series

Side Walk Series

Frog, Crab, PU

























*Elevated Deadlift


*Getup to palm

*OH carry

*Single arm DL variations

*All UB Developments


*Carry Collection

*1H swing

*1H deadlift

*Single Leg DL



*Reverse Lunge Collection


*All UB Developments

*Getup to palm



*ALL LB Developments

*Carry Collection

*Getup to elbow

*Getup to elbow

*2H swing

*Getup to palm

*All LB Developments


*Tall Kneel Press



*Single Leg DL

*Figure 4 Lunge

*Tall kneel press

*1/2 kneel press

I already know what you're thinkin'

"Am I gonna have to build out my own program? I do I put all this together."

The quick answer is, "NO!"

I've already done all the work and built you specific custom templates to follow based on the feedback you get from the GFE. All training plans are located in the "Anti-Virus Protocols" module. But before jumping in the this weeks transition plans.

Review the Following first:

  1. Step 2: Install Anti-Virus Software
  2. Step 3: RL-YL-GL: Physical Development


With the exception of red-lighting on the crawl series.

Armbars and the Carry Collection are green light exercises. These are static and dynamic motor control movements to do everyday.

The reason the Carry Collection is yellow-lighted is because they challenge your ability to resist rotary torque. If you can't maintain alignment with your carries.

... regress to the X-Lift and 6pt crawl from the GFE.
