Tools and Recourses
Recovery Accelerating Mechanisms
The Training System

Week 1 Training Plans





Week 1 is upon us. Phase 1 and the recovery mechanisms are all about removing aches, pains, restrictions and... rebuilding your strength foundation.

We'll be doing so with pound-4-pound the most effective KB exercise to do that

... the overhead press

4 side effects of focusing on the press:

  1. Increased strength.
  2. Boost in testosterone
  3. Muscle gain in the right spots: shoulders, arms, and upper back.
  4. Improved capacity to build endurance.

But most importantly... the ability to do everyday activities––BETTER––without throwing your back out. Let's dive in...


For phases 1 and 2, choose one kettlebell your can press for 10-12 reps per side. We will be using other means to vary and peak intensity.

Practical Tactical Method

October of 2021 I hired a nutrition coach to help me with some of my goals (shout out to Gan!!). His plan was simple. It was practical and tactical.

He gave me a set protein and calorie base. As long as I hit those totals he didn’t care where the rest of my calories came from: carbs or fat. As long as I hit my protein and calorie number… I was good. And I gotta tell ya. The results have been great.

I dropped 15 pounds during my deadlift daily experiment

Yep… no cardio. All I did was deadlift a barbell every day and followed his simple strategy.

It was the inspiration for the Practical Tactical Method to be applied to your strength training.

In this cycle I’m going to layout the framework to help you train intuitively… and by intuitively I don’t mean relying on our “feelings.” Because we both know… the iron doesn’t care about how you feel.

What I mean is… this framework will allow you to be more practical about your training and operate freely within the system each week. I’m going to give you the tactics… then based on YOUR lifestyle and what’s practical for you… YOU get to plan your training week.

How it works...

I’m going to give you a set number for day one's volume each week. From there based on your schedule, lifestyle, and stress levels… you get to plan the rest of the week. As long as you get the total volume in… is all that matters. Where, when, and on what day’s I’m not concerned with. Just get the volume in.

Train daily if possible. If you finish the volume early but want to continue lifting… practice GTG throughout the day for the rest of the week.

E.g., you finished your total volume on Thursday because your schedule allowed for daily training. Friday-Saturday practice "Grease the Groove" (GTG).

Throw in a few presses during your lunch break. Mid-afternoon… knockout another set of 3 Etc. Etc.

GTG should not be taxing. It’s casual (but serious) training throughout the day—and the volume DOES NOT count towards your total volume for the week. Keep your reps 1-3 and rest on Sunday.

PTM Cycle #1: Strength Endurance

PTM Cycle #1:

Strength Endurance

Week 1: 66NL (50NL remaining after day 1)

(NL = 'Number of Lifts')

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Press: 16NL

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Rest, walk, GTG, or +/- 20% for all exercises.

Have ALL volume complete.



When planning day 2… base your assessment of how hard day one's session was. Easy and not a stressful session? +20%. If you're under stress and life is crazy? -20%. Do not perform the same number of reps back to back days. Volume must vary +/- 20%

With the exception of the ‘Rule of 10.’ Do not go below 10 reps in any session. At least 10 presses per session. In this context... day 2 would be 12NL or 19NL.

[BONUS] Pattern Press Progression Series

During your GTG practice sessions... I recommend practicing your press using a particular set of pattern progressions.

I put together a Press Progression Series HERE to guide you.

(Password: PatternPressProgressions)

Pattern Press Progression Series >>>

Planning Your Session...

I recommend sets of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Or any combination rep scheme. Rest as needed between sets. ~1-3 minutes is standard. Be sure to review the training plan overview for more details.

All reps are per arm.

E.g., week 1, day 1: 16NL (50 remaining for the week)

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left.

1 Clean, 4 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 4 presses, left.

1 Clean, 6 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 6 presses, left.

1 Clean, 3 presses, right. Put the bell down, shake out your arms. 1 clean, 3 presses, left.

Done for the day!

PTM Cycle #1 is based on strict press only.

If you’re new to kettlebells… I highly recommend you ‘cheat clean’ the kettlebell to the rack to start your presses… until you can clean the bell with ZERO impact on the forearm.


The volume in cycle one is low—only 300NL. Use this opportunity to dial in your pressing skill and professional applications of tension. To do this… I recommend pacing your sets.

E.g., using the 4 sets above… 

Set #1: Completing one press every 20 seconds. 3 presses, right.

Perform one press every 20 seconds. This will take up the entire minute and does 2 things. 1.) Teaches you to take your time with each press. 2.) Teaches you how/when to dial up the tension. Using enough to stay “connected” between presses. And when to kick in the extra juice to complete each press.

The volume in cycle one is low—only 300NL. Use this opportunity to dial in your pressing skill and professional applications of tension. To do this… I recommend pacing your sets.

E.g., using the 4 sets above… 

Set #1: Completing one press every 20 seconds (3 presses)

"00:00", press

"00:20", press

"00:40", press

At "02:00"… 3 presses, other side.

"02:00", press

"02:20", press

"02:40", press

Set #2: Completing one press every 15 seconds (4 presses)

"00:00", press

"00:15", press

"00:30", press

"00:45", press

At "02:00"… 4 presses, other side.

"02:00", press

"02:15", press

"02:30", press

"02:45", press

Set #3: Completing one press every 10 seconds (6 presses)

"00:00", press

"00:10", press

"00:20", press

"00:30", press

"00:40", press

"00:50", press

At "02:00"… 6 presses, other side.

"02:00", press

"02:10", press

"02:20", press

"02:30", press

"02:40", press

"02:50", press

Set #4: Completing one press every 20 seconds (3 presses)

"00:00", press

"00:20", press

"00:40", press

At "02:00"… 3 presses, other side.

"02:00", press

"02:20", press

"02:40", press

This is a ‘Strength Engine’ principle: Less is More Approach

  • Skill training.
  • Practicing vs. working out.
  • Professional application of tension.
  • Mastering leverage through posture and positioning.


Based on your rep scheme (e.g., 2-6 reps) each Set-Pace will look different. Here are a few examples:

  • Sets of 2: One press every 30 seconds.
  • Sets of 3: One press every 20 seconds.
  • Sets of 4: One press every 15 seconds.
  • Sets of 5: One press every 12 seconds.
  • Sets of 6: One press every 10 seconds.

Week 1: Training Plan Overview

Week 1:

Training Plan Overview

**NOTE: 5 Elements of a Strongman

Each week here at the bottom of your weekly training plans. Will be a lesson on becoming stronger man: mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

This is what I call the, "5 Elements of a Strongman."

  1. Strong in Mind
  2. Strong in Body
  3. Strong in Emotion
  4. Strong in Spirit
  5. Strong in Community

The lessons are [mostly] written. For the mere reason... reading is an ACTIVE activity. Listening is a PASSIVE activity. The difference in meaningful.

The first lesson is up: Strong in Mind: Introduction - How to BREAK/BIND a Strongman.
