Building Your Plate: Weeks 1-2

strength days

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non-strength days

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Click 'Materials' to download your Food + Pantry List.

NOTEs + action items

  1. We no longer calculate our students macros. Use the done-for-you spreadsheet on the previous lesson to set up your eating strategy.

  2. Unless you are in the "VIP" program, you do not need to send me your weekly reports.

  3. When "On Mission" I recommend using the "Lose It!" app to track and hit your nutrition targets.

    Here's the link to their website: "Lose It!"
    Download in Apple App Store.
    Download in Google Play.
  4. All that matters at this point is you get your calories in and hit your protein and carb targets. All your fat intake to "fill in the gaps."

  5. Stay within +/- 100 calories of your target.

  6. Stay within +/- 10g of your protein and carb targets.

Note: When it comes to building your plate (especially your carbs) if you have to ask, "can I have..." the answer is "NO." :-)

Your "approved" foods -- which are inline with your goals -- are found here in your Food + Pantry list.

Additional Recourses
