action items
This week we are planning 75% of your carbs around your workout.
- Update your calorie total (if I've change them).
- Update your carb total from 75 to 100g
- Plan your carbs using this variant, "25, 33, 42."
Consume 33 percent of your carbs (i.e., 33g) before, during, or after your workout. Consume 42 percent (i.e., 42g) of your carbs in your first recovery meal. Finish the day with the remaining 25 percent of your carbs in recovery meal 3.
Depending on your schedule and when you're training. Your last meal of the day may be the remaining 42% of your carbs if you're training in the evening.
e.g., Breakfast: no carbs. Lunch: 25% of carbs. Afternoon workout: 33% carbs. Dinner: remaining 42% of carbs.
If you need help building your plate for your non-strength days (50g of carbs) for week 4, review weeks 1-2 here.